Custom commands

This document outlines the procedure for writing custom commands for WildBeast.

Migrating from versions preceding v6

In WildBeast versions 3 and 4, commands were declared in a very different way - namely, the commands were indexed into files based on category (Whereas version 6 indexes commands individually). The syntax was also vastly different. If you wish to write commands for pre-v6 versions, the Legacy custom commands page details the old approach.

Custom command support

Some basic JavaScript knowledge is required to write custom commands. Support for doing this will not be provided in addition to what is listed on this page, if the issue does not specifically concern WildBeast.

General notes

Before you begin

If your WildBeast instance has already been set up using the procedure outlined in the Windows or Linux installation guides, namely using Docker, you need to take some additional steps to enable custom commands. See Decoupling from Docker for information on how to do this, and then come back here.

  • Command files are placed into ~/src/commands.
  • Each command is declared in a separate file, preferably with the command name. (I.e if your command is named dankmeme, name the file dankmeme.js.)
  • Commands cannot share names - each must have a name of its own.

Property declaration

The exported command data describes the command in various ways. Here are the properties that can be defined.

A command object consists of a meta object and an fn function. The function gets executed when the command gets ran, while the meta object provides information and modifiers to the command. Both the meta and fn properties must be defined on a command object.

Meta object structure

Note: An empty Value column implies that there are no specific formatting requirements for the particular property.

Property Description Value Type Required
help A brief description of what the command does. String Yes
usage An example of how to use the command. String No
module A category to which the command belongs. String No
level The permission level required to run the command. 0-10/Infinity Number Yes
timeout A time in milliseconds for which the command will be on cooldown between uses. Number No
noDM Whether the command can be used in direct message context or not. Boolean No
nsfw Whether the command is NSFW or not. If set, restricts the command usage scope to NSFW channels only. Boolean No
alias A list of aliases1 (Alternative command names) to run the command. Array No
addons Addendums to the command's help message. String No
permAddons Additional Discord permissions that are required to run the command. Discord permission name (Manage Roles etc.) Array No

Testing your commands

To verify that your commands pass the above requirements, you can run npm test.


module.exports = {
  meta: {
    help: 'I\'ll say hello to you!',
    usage: '<name>',
    module: 'Fun',
    level: 0,
    timeout: 0,
    noDM: false,
    nsfw: false,
    alias: ['hi', 'hey'],
    addons: ['This command can also be used in Direct Messages.'],
    permAddons: ['Manage Messages']
  fn: function (msg, suffix) {
    if (suffix)`Hello ${suffix}!`)

And that's how easy it is to create your own commands for WildBeast. Good luck in making your commands, and tinker to your heart's desire!

  1. Aliases must not overwrite existing command names or aliases. 
